Lessons for Entrepreneurs from The 4-Hour Workweek

The 4-Hour Workweek is a business book written by Tim Ferriss geared towards entrepreneurs who are tired of the traditional work model and interested in pursuing something more. The tagline is “Escape 9-5, work anywhere, and join the new rich”, the New Rich in Ferriss’ case being those who have curated a luxury lifestyle through […]

Mobile App Development Trends for 2021

There is constant change and growth happening in the mobile app industry at all times. The trends and features that made a new mobile app successful years or even months ago are not the same as they are now. Budding and seasoned mobile app developers alike need to conduct market research in order to serve […]

The Best Social Media Scheduling Tools for Success

Are you overwhelmed by trying to keep up with scheduling social media content regularly? If you find yourself struggling to post consistently or in a timely manner, the answer is simple; you need a content management system. But with a huge variety of systems available, how can you know which is right for you? That’s […]

The Importance of Audience Segmentation

What is audience segmentation? According to Wikipedia, audience segmentation is a marketing strategy that involves dividing people into various subgroups based on a variety of factors. But how does this relate to you as an app marketer? Often, new app marketers will develop a generic message, send that message out to their entire audience, and […]

The SEM Nexus Mobile App Development Process

There is so much that goes into mobile app development before an app is even ready to be fully marketed to the public. You can spend a lot of money on fancy ads and impressive influencers, but that will fall to the wayside if you fail to build a strong foundation based on value and […]

Major Mobile App Design Trends of 2021

There are many important components when it comes to developing your new app. One of the most important, but less understood components is mobile app design imagery. In order to demystify this field a bit, we spoke with the SEM Nexus Director of Graphic Design, Taylor. She gave us great insight into some of the […]

Conducting Market Research for Your Mobile App

Mobile app development can often seem like a daunting field. After all, you may have a great idea for a mobile app that could fly off the shelves of the Google Play and Apple Stores, or you could have an idea that seems to crash for no particular reason. In reality however, the reasons behind […]

Setting KPIs for Your New App as a Developer

Once you’ve come up with an idea for an app and began developing it, you’ll undoubtedly want to see it succeed. But how do you measure that success? The answer to that is by setting KPIs, also known as key performance indicators. These are the measuring sticks for your app’s performance. There are a variety […]

Why Do You Need ASO Before Releasing Your App?

Written by Irina Heinz So, you’re getting ready to release your app. Let’s take for example a Brain Dots-like logic game where you need, applying the laws of physics, to draw random lines connecting two dots on the screen. In fact, you can follow the tips from this post if you’re releasing any app, not […]


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