The New Age of Social Media Marketing: Leveraging Influencers, Strategies, and Algorithms.
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, the rise of social media has led to a new age of opportunities and challenges. From the emergence of social media influencers to the growth of specialized agencies, this blog explores the dynamics of new-age social media marketing and provides insights into how to thrive in this dynamic […]
Don’t Miss Out on These Inbound Marketing Campaign Helpers

When it comes to running an inbound marketing campaign, things can quickly become overwhelming. Marketing a mobile app requires a keen understanding of your audience – what do they need, what do they like and dislike, where do they spend their time? These are just a few questions that mobile app marketers must answer in […]
How to Draw in the Elusive Gen X with Your Mobile App

When it comes to marketing mobile apps, it’s easy to count Gen X out. After all, just as Millennials struggled to break out of their image as aimless teens, Gen X is easily branded as a technologically-adverse group. However, Gen X has steadily developed its own strong and unique relationship with technology and mobile apps […]
Use Mobile App Reviews to Boost Your App Performance

Do you look at certain apps with hundreds of positive reviews and wonder how you could achieve the same? Mobile app reviews are a key aspect of an app’s performance, and certainly not something to overlook. App users can be more effective than an influencer or paid ads campaign when it comes to marketing your […]
Yes, You Should Use Instagram Reels to Advertise Your App!

Instagram Reels have gained an enormous amount of steam since their release. As new features continue to appear, the face of digital marketing continues to change. Influencer marketing and short-form content have combined to change the way we think about social media, which means changing the way we think about advertising. So if you’re wondering […]
Don’t Bury the Lead – Your #1 Mobile App Marketing Secret

There are many do’s and don’t when it comes to mobile app marketing. If you want to maximize app visibility and growth, one thing you don’t want to do is bury the lead. What does it mean to bury the lead in app marketing and why shouldn’t you do it? Keep reading below for answers […]
8 Top-Tier Black Influencers You Should know in 2022

Black social media influencers play an integral part in impacting trends and decisions not just locally, but around the globe. That’s why this Black History Month, we’re taking a look at 8 of the top Black influencers you should have on your radar if you don’t already. Whether you’re an app creator looking for an […]
3 Tips to Achieve the Best Email Marketing Strategy

So you’re ready to finally tackle the world of email marketing as part of your overall digital marketing strategy. No matter which platform you’re using of the many email marketing services available on the market, you might be feeling stuck at square one. If that sounds like you, don’t worry. We’ve come up with 3 […]
Why Overlooking Nano Influencers Could Cost You in 2022

Are you thinking of jumping into influencer marketing by using nano influencers? Or maybe you’re curious about what actually differentiates each level of influencer. Read on to learn about how to define a nano influencer, what the advantages of working with them are, and how much it might cost to run an influencer campaign with […]
How Buyer Personas Can Help You Market More Effectively

When it comes to creating a mobile app, the goal is to create a product so great that it earns a top spot on the store charts. But how do you make sure that your product is doing what it needs to in order to satisfy your audience? And furthermore, how can you ensure that […]